The aussie F-111 story is immortalised by five fatal accidents and 10 aircrew that tragically lost their lives
Noordink & Holt     Erskine & Angell     Fallon & Pike     McNess & Cairns-Cowan     Short & Hobbs

Three F-111C crews safely ejected in their crew modules post-1973

Two RAAF aircrew safely ejected whilst serving on exchange with the USAF
–  FLTLT Neil Pollock & FLTLT Rick O’Ferrall 

A few brought their stricken jets home in spectacular style; whilst countless tales of jaw-dropping, near-misses, are reminisced at aircrew reunions …

Reference: Sifting Through the Evidence – excellent synopsis by SQNLDR Bill Saville, F-111C NAV, 28 OPCON
during his tour as an Air Safety Investigator

Click on a photo for a summary of that F-111 Accident