Fallon/Pike – 2 Apr 87

A8-128                   [3,216.4 total flying hours]

Pilot:                    FLTLT Mark ‘Speed’ Fallon
                               CAT C QFI – 873 hrs F-111 

Navigator:          FLGOFF Bill Pike
                               UNCAT – 47.9 hrs F-111; student, 26 OPCON

Fatal Accident @ Night, Land Strike.  During a night, simulated weapons tactic against a land strike target near Tenterfield, NSW, the aircraft impacted the ground.  Aircraft break-up was extensive and both crew members were killed.

Aerial view of the impact


Accident summary.   The sortie was the Final Handling Test (FHT) for the student navigator prior to completing No 26 F-111C Operational Conversion Course.  It was the first F-111 FHT conducted by the pilot since his F-111C Qualified Flying Instructor (QFI) conversion more accident details in this extract from DDAAFS Safety Magazine “Sifting Through the Evidence” DDAAFS_F-111 Accident_128