Where are they now ?

Following the F-111 retirement in Dec 10, the Australian Government agreed to fund and retain several aircraft, crew modules and the F-111C simulator at various RAAF Bases and museums throughout Australia.  An F-111 Disposals Team, lead by WGCDR Clive Wells, was formed within DMO and managed the task superbly.  Several F-111Cs and modules were successfully restored and delivered in pristine condition. After much discussion, the Chief of Air Force (AVM Geoff Brown, AO; former OC82WG) decided that all aircraft would be painted in their original camouflage and adorned with both 1 and 6 SQN markings.

F-111s_Where Are They Now

Click on Map or Photo for more detail


More links @ RAAF A8 General Dynamics F111A/C/G & RF111C – ADF Serials website

The last F-111 Disposals Team trip, taking A8-130 to Hawaii