A8-136 [1,004.4 total flying hours]
Pilot: CAPT William Baker (USAF Exchange)
Cat B – 1,624.6 hrs F-111
Navigator: FLTLT David “Noddy” Clarkson
Cat C – 292.7 hrs F-111
Credit: Barry Spicer – Barry Spicer Art
Accident Summary … right engine oil hot indication, aircraft suffered a severe internal explosion; engine throttles jammed, right engine fire light could not be extinguished, pilot could not retain control of the aircraft and ejected; aircraft crashed 14 nm north of Armidale, NSW; crew module ejection successful, crew suffered minor injuries … more details in this extract from DDAAFS Safety Magazine “Sifting Through the Evidence” – DDAAFS_F-111 Accident_136
USAF Exchange Pilot, CAPT Billy Baker and Navigator, FLTLT Dave Clarkson, being interviewed after their successful F-111C ejection